YCP Solidiance

An Asia-focused professional firm with 300+ professionals in 18 offices worldwide.

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Delivering high-impact advisory services with a strong focus on Southeast Asia


With a population of over 600 million people, the Southeast Asian market is increasingly gaining attention as the next regional powerhouse of Asia. Despite the opportunities, Southeast Asia remains to be a difficult market to penetrate, given its unique identity as a collection of countries with different races and religions.

Additionally, macro data is not readily available in many countries, and local regulations remain complicated. To overcome such issues, our team specializes in providing practical insights through our deep understanding of local contexts throughout the region.

SEA Management Team

Shingo Kasumoto

Shingo Kasumoto

Managing Partner, SEA Regional Manager

  • LL.B., Kyoto University
  • P&G, Marketing Division
U-Yun Wong

U-Yun Wong


  • MBA, Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Synovate Consulting
Mickael Feige

Mickael Feige


  • BNP Paribas Nissan Motor
Gervasius Samosir

Gervasius Samosir


  • MBA, Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Arghajata Consulting
Michael Sieburg

Michael Sieburg


  • MA, Columbia University
  • Eurasia Group
Satoshi Kuriga

Satoshi Kuriga


  • LL.B., Hitotsubashi University
  • Boston Consulting Group
Izmet Iskandar Tan Sri Ramli

Izmet Iskandar Tan Sri Ramli


  • BSc Accounting and Finance, University of Southampton
  • EY, Audit Arthur Andersen, Audit
Naithy Cyriac

Naithy Cyriac


  • MBA, NUS Business School
  • Moody’s Analytics, Investor Services and Strategic Research Division

Our Strengths

01. Our in-depth understanding of local contexts

With our own 18 offices across Asia, we are on the ground to listen and understand the local context. By not relying on external partners, we are also able to respond flexibly to your needs.


02. Combining unique skillsets to provide thorough and practical analyses

Our professionals hail from a varied range of industries, including major consulting, finance and manufacturing firms. This enables us to uniquely combine the expertise and skillsets of our professionals to form a deep understanding of your business, and to derive the most relevant and practical analyses for you.


03. Ability to provide implementable recommendations

In addition to our consulting business, we have the experience managing more than 20 investments throughout Asia. We have gathered unique sources of information and accumulated know-how through managing our portfolio businesses, allowing us to provide highly implementable strategies in our deep understanding of a varied range of consumer sectors.


04. Provision of support for implementation

We have helped 500+ businesses across Asia launch and manage their businesses in new markets. We do so through building practical strategies based on our expertise in launching successful businesses across different markets, and by providing implementation support and local operational services.


05. Unparalleled cost effectiveness

By executing the entire process of information gathering, analysis, and strategy formulation in-house, we provide services at a reasonable price, allowing you to avoid incurring all unnecessary intermediary costs. This seamless process also ensures that you will be able to execute your project in the shortest timeframe possible.

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How We Help

Flexible and diversified services, depending on size of your business and the progress of market entry.

For MNCs For SMEs

For Multinational Corporations (MNC)

We provide a professional third-party perspective in creating feasible and concrete implementation plans for your team, while providing flexible local manpower support on-demand.

Before Market Entry

  • Having a deep understanding of the actual local situation that is not readily available in macro data
  • Designing a research plan and developing strategies, while aligning on internal management requirements
  • Providing temporary manpower to support the lack of staff in the initial phase of launching a new business

After Market Entry

  • Strengthening business governance systems, including the creation of processes for regular reporting, progress management, and the flow of decision making
  • Redefining growth strategies according to the most recent market and competitive landscape
  • Dispatching of supplementary personnel in the short to medium term for functions that are lacking in business operations

For Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SME)

We provide a hands-on support that minimizes the need for the initial manpower, investment, and lead-time required to achieve a lean overseas expansion.

Before Market Entry

  • Having a deep understanding of the actual local situation that is not readily available in macro data
  • Designing a research plan and developing strategies, while aligning on internal management requirements
  • Providing temporary manpower to support the lack of staff in the initial phase of launching a new business

After Market Entry

  • Re-evaluating the local business and identifying points for improvement, which will be difficult for head offices situated in home country
  • Acquiring local customers who cannot be reached by the local office staff who do not have the relevant connections
  • Acting as an agent in areas of local operations where the company does not have sufficient expertise in

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Our Clients

We have advised multiple Fortune 500 conglomerates across B2C to B2B industries.


Media Exposure

Our research papers cover a wide variety of emerging topics across key economies in Southeast Asia and have been published in major global and regional media.

Research Papers

Consumer Trends in Myanmar

Consumer Trends in Myanmar

Digital Healthcare in the Philippines

Digital Healthcare in the Philippines

Digital Healthcare in Vietnam

Digital Healthcare in Vietnam

Economy Outlook in Thailand

Economy Outlook in Thailand

E-commerce Trends in Asia

E-commerce Trends in Asia

Investment Trends in Thailand

Investment Trends in Thailand

Media Coverage

Media Coverage
Media Coverage

Service Offerings

Market Size & Trends


Industry Structure


Competitive Intelligence


Customer Understanding


Regulatory Assessment


Market Assessment


Strategic Recommendations


Market Size & Trends

Our Service

  • In addition to the desktop research of existing databases, we estimate current market value and forecast future value, based on gathering information from interviews with key stakeholders in the industry, while considering micro/macro economic and related industry factors.

Business Issue

  • There is no reliable statistical data for issues like data maintenance delays and accuracy concerns
  • The quantitative data published does not allow me to understand the market and competitive environment instantly, and I cannot devise a strategy
  • As it is a niche industry, it is necessary to gather data from scratch, but I don’t know where to start
  • The local business flow is uncertain, so I don't know where to enter
  • Lack of in-house know-how on local business practices, competitive environments, and understanding of local consumers
  • Lack of local industry experts and network

Value Provided

  • Conducting direct interviews with the leading local players to validate the detailed structure of market size and commercial trends in niche industries that cannot be covered by large databases
  • In addition to interviews from the perspective of a third party as a consulting firm, proactive information is gathered using approaches such as a potential business partnerships, as well as leveraging on our internal businesses and investment portfolio
  • Senior consultants perform quality control, reporting and project management while field surveys are conducted by our in-house survey teams, achieving a cost-effective and high-quality output

Example of Past Projects

  • Electronic Appliances|Thailand & Singapore|Smart Home Appliance Market Survey
  • Chemical Process|Five Southeast Asian countries|Surface Treatment Equipment Market Survey
  • Pharmaceutical Products|Vietnam|Prescription Drug Market Research
  • Natural Gas-powered Vehicle|Indonesia/Thailand|Market Survey
  • Cold Chain|Indonesia|Market Survey

Industry Structure

Our Service

  • By leveraging on our local teams, we can conduct effective primary interviews with major local stakeholders in the industry. This enables us to understand the detailed structure of the market size and commercial flow in niche industries that cannot be covered by statistics from major databases.

Business Issue

  • There is no existing reports or data in the relevant market or industry
  • The quantitative data published does not allow me to understand the market and competitive landscape immediately, and therefore I cannot devise a strategy
  • Startups are increasingly building a strong presence in the market, but they don't know how to change their business models to stay relevant
  • The local business flow is uncertain and varied, so I don‘t know where and how to enter
  • Lack of local industry experts and network

Value Provided

  • Conducting direct interviews with the leading local players to validate the detailed structure of market size and commercial trends in niche industries that cannot be covered by large databases
  • In addition to interviews from the perspective of a third party as a consulting firm, proactive information is gathered using approaches such as a potential business partnerships, as well as leveraging on our internal businesses and investment portfolio
  • Senior consultants perform quality control, reporting and project management while field surveys are conducted by our in-house survey teams, achieving a cost-effective and high-quality output

Example of Past Projects

  • Agrochemical Products|Thailand & Malaysia|Value Chain Analysis
  • Electronic Components|Thailand|Supply Chain Analysis and Procurement Survey
  • Food|Singapore & Malaysia|Frozen Food Distribution Structure Survey
  • Construction Materials|Vietnam|Supply Chain Analysis
  • Automotive Parts|Thailand & Indonesia|Supply Chain Analysis

Competitive Intelligence

Our Service

  • Based on secondary research and interviews with relevant personnel in the local subsidiary of benchmark companies, we design an organizational structure, business strategy, and future policies for the target company.

Business Issue

  • I want to understand the business development strategy of local major players when considering market entry, but there is not enough information
  • It is difficult to draw information by direct contact using our own resources because they identify me as a potential competitor
  • The quantitative data and mid-term strategy published alone are not enough to examine the success factors and future direction of the company's strategy
  • I don't really understand how much impact the local competition will have on my business

Value Provided

  • Deduce the local organizational structure of the target company based on research and various interviews
  • Understand the division of responsibilities within departments, as well as the division of responsibilities and interactions between local subsidiaries and the headquarters
  • Understand local business of target companies (sales trends / partnerships / new products & services / sales channels / promotions)
  • Senior consultants perform quality control, reporting and project management while field surveys are conducted by our in-house survey teams, achieving a cost-effective and high-quality output

Example of Past Projects

  • Automotive Parts|Thailand & Indonesia|Competitor Research
  • Semiconductor Industry|Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia|Competitor Research
  • Medical Equipment|Singapore, Malaysia & Thailand|Competitive Research into Medical Tablet Manufacturers
  • Confectionery|Vietnam & Indonesia|Competitor Research
  • Construction Machinery|Thailand & Myanmar|Manufacturer Competitive Research


Our Service

  • We leverage local staff to help you identify a list of quality candidates and set up appointments with the right people through both online and offline interviews in the local language

Business Issue

  • It is extremely important to select reliable and competent agents for overseas business development. However, for countries that do not speak English, communication barrier is a concern despite being able to find a suitable candidate
  • Although there is data on the long list, the data is not tidied with multiple contacts who are not contactable or not interested
  • When members or business partners of the head office visit the local market, they want to arrange for a meeting with the relevant parties, but it is hard to communicate due to language barriers

Value Provided

  • Actively utilize local insights in setting up and collecting information with a team including our local staff, who are native speakers of the language of the target country
  • To ensure the long list has relevant business value, we thoroughly implement data cleaning techniques through phone calls and desktop search
  • In addition to refining the list, we make full use of our local network, which also conducts market research and new entry strategy, providing higher chance for appointments to be set

Example of Past Projects

  • Chemical Coatings|Indonesia|List of Wholesalers
  • Logistics|Five Southeast Asian countries|Survey of Partner Companies
  • Electronic Appliances|Five Southeast Asian countries|Support for the Startup Discovery Alliance
  • Chemicals|Vietnam|Support for Sourcing M&A Candidates
  • Construction|Indonesia, Malaysia & Thailand|Construction Consultant Job Listings

Customer Understanding

Our Service

  • Find out what local customers think of your company and your competitor's services, which is difficult for your company to approach directly or to get an honest opinion on
  • Before starting full-fledged overseas expansion, we can forecast sales based on real voices by conducting pre-sales activities to potential future customers through customer surveys

Business Issue

  • I want to understand how our products and services are being evaluated by local customers
  • I don't know how my potential M&A targets and business partners are evaluated by local customers and stakeholders
  • I don't know why a competitor's product or service is selling well locally
  • I am uncertain about the extent to which our products and services will be accepted by potential local customers

Value Provided

  • We have extensive research experience through both developing our businesses and those of our clients, allowing us to select the best external vendor from around the world to meet your needs
  • Based on our own business experience, we can support you in designing research and extracting suggestions for decision-making
  • By aligning the design with the local office members in each country in advance, we can design an appropriate survey based on the behavioral principles and cultural background of the country

Example of Past Projects

  • Chemicals|Thailand, Indonesia & Vietnam|Customer Survey on Plating Chemicals
  • Manufacturing|Thailand & Indonesia|Survey on Demand for Air-conditioning Parts at Air-conditioning Assembly Plants
  • Construction materials|Vietnam|Survey on Construction Companies’ Use of Materials
  • Automotive|Indonesia Mold Survey at Assembly Plants
  • F&B|Five Southeast Asian countries|Hospital Catering Market Survey

Regulatory Assessment

Our Service

  • Based on desktop surveys and interviews with local experts, we investigate various regulations related to target products and businesses. After clearing all regulatory guidelines, we can formulate a market entry strategy for business development.

Business Issue

  • I want a confirmation on the relevant regulations when considering business development in a target market, but the information available online is insufficient
  • It is not clear from the published information in what circumstances the company will be subjected to regulation
  • It is difficult to be updated with the latest information because of frequent revisions to the law
  • I know that the regulations exist, but I don't know how to tackle them and start on my business
  • Lack of local industry experts and network

Value Provided

  • Conduct desktop surveys and direct interviews with local experts, allowing detailed regulatory arrangements for target products
  • Support market entry strategies for business development in response to regulations, alongside the regulatory assessment
  • Senior consultants perform quality control, reporting and project management while field surveys are conducted by our in-house survey teams, achieving a cost-effective and high-quality output

Example of Past Projects

  • Food|Four Southeast Asian countries|Health Food and Licensing System Survey
  • Construction|Vietnam|Legal and Regulatory Survey
  • Automotive|Thailand, Indonesia & Vietnam|Automobile-related Environmental Regulations Survey
  • Chemical Materials|Indonesia|Investigation of Laws, Regulations and Ordinances Related to Chemical Substances
  • Medical Equipment|Four Southeast Asian countries|Investigation into Regulations Related to Medical Device Sales

Market Assessment

Our Service

  • We conduct detailed market research and analysis based on trends, industry mapping, competitive landscape, consumer surveys and government regulations. After selecting and prioritizing the best markets to enter, we provide a one-stop solution for overseas expansion.

Business Issue

  • I want to make decisions based on local demand, but the language and cultural barriers pose a big challenge to fully understand the local situation
  • I want to make the right decision ultimately, and not just receive a long and wordy research report
  • I have spent a huge sum of money and time to conduct research, but I am not sure what I should do next

Value Provided

  • By assigning local office members from each country, we can obtain local insights more accurately
  • We provide practical recommendations from a management’s standpoint based on our business experiences, instead of simply a conclusion from research
  • On top of suggesting which country to enter, we also propose the immediate next steps to take for expansion

Example of Past Projects

  • Automotive|Five Southeast Asian countries | Selection and Launch of Countries to Participate in New Business
  • Construction Equipment|Thailand, Vietnam & Myanmar|Market Research and Country Evaluation
  • Milling|Four Southeast Asian countries|Market Entry Strategy
  • Chemical Coating|Five Southeast Asian countries|Market Research and Country Evaluation
  • Medical Equipment|Four Southeast Asian countries|Participating in Country Evaluation and Selection

Strategic Recommendations

Our Service

  • After conducting market research as well as identifying and evaluating every option necessary for a full-scale market entry, we develop a practical go-to-market execution plan with immediate actions that can be taken.

Business Issue

  • I‘m going to apply the same strategies that have worked in my country to the other foreign countries, but I honestly don't know if it will work
  • I have no network nor contacts in the foreign country I’m about to enter, hence I don’t know what is the most effective way to build up my sales channel to reach out to the locals
  • Having a business plan is necessary, but I am not sure of what the usual business practices are in the foreign country

Value Provided

  • Utilize local expertise to conduct concept tests in advance and develop appropriate promotion plans
  • With an in-depth understanding of local context, we formulate optimal sales channel plans that are applicable to reach the local community
  • Leverage on local business customs to develop a realistic business plan that reflects the margins and expenses for business operations

Example of Past Projects

  • Automotive|Five Southeast Asian countries | Development of Entry Strategies for New Businesses
  • Construction Equipment|Thailand/Vietnam/Myanmar|Development of Entry Strategies
  • Milling|Four Southeast Asian countries|Development of Entry Strategies
  • Chemical Coating|Five Southeast Asian countries|Development of Entry Strategies
  • Medical Equipment|Four Southeast Asian countries Development of Entry Strategies

SEA Team Profiles

Singapore Singapore
Shingo Kasumoto

Shingo Kasumoto

Managing Partner, SEA Regional Manager

  • LL.B., Kyoto University
  • P&G, Marketing Division
Damien Duhamel

Damien Duhamel

Managing Partner

  • MBA, Chicago Booth School of Business Master of Sustainability and Environmental Management, Harvard University Business Consulting
  • Dentsu Aegis Network Managing Director Asia Pacific
U-Yun Wong

U-Yun Wong


  • MBA, Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Synovate Consulting
Takahiro Okawara

Takahiro Okawara


  • Faculty of Economics, Keio University
  • Accenture Strategy
Takahiro Ishizaki

Takahiro Ishizaki


  • LL.B., Waseda University
  • PwC, Business Revitalization Service Division
Yukako Matsuka

Yukako Matsuka


  • MA, Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • P&G, Financial Division Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Global Advisory Department
Yiing Chyi Lim

Yiing Chyi Lim


  • Bachelor of Accounting from Oxford Brookes University, and ACCA Professional Certification
  • EY, Audit, M&A and Lead Advisory
Jeaness Wong

Jeaness Wong


  • Bachelor of Business Management, Singapore Management University
  • KPMG, Business Transformation
Thailand Thailand
Mickael Feige

Mickael Feige


  • BNP Paribas Nissan Motor
Gary Murakami

Gary Murakami


  • Chulalongkorn University, Sashin Graduate School of Management
  • Merrill Lynch Securities Foreign Receivables Sales Department Deloitte Consulting
Nuttapan Meethong

Nuttapan Meethong


  • MBA, Alliance Manchester Business School
  • KPMG Advisory
Yanika Assavaboonsthien

Yanika Assavaboonsthien


  • MBA, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  • Bridge Consulting
Indonesia Indonesia
Gervasius Samosir

Gervasius Samosir


  • MBA, Chicago Booth School of Business
  • Arghajata Consulting
Ruben Tobing

Ruben Tobing


  • Master of International Business, Macquarie University
  • EY Advisory, Performance Improvement
Joanne Angelina

Joanne Angelina


  • Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Deloitte Consulting, Risk Advisory
Fajar Fauzie Rakhman

Fajar Fauzie Rakhman


  • Master’s degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Garuda Indonesia
Vietnam Vietnam
Michael Sieburg

Michael Sieburg


  • MA, Columbia University
  • Eurasia Group
Satoshi Kuriga

Satoshi Kuriga


  • LL.B., Hitotsubashi University
  • Boston Consulting Group
Dennis Lien

Dennis Lien


  • Master of Public Administration - Energy Management and Finance, Columbia University
  • KAPSARC, Research Associate
An Ha Tran

An Ha Tran


  • Master of Finance, Stockholm University
  • Tractus Asia Limited, Consultant
Malaysia Malaysia
Izmet Iskandar Tan Sri Ramli

Izmet Iskandar Tan Sri Ramli


  • BSc Accounting and Finance, University of Southampton
  • EY, Audit Arthur Andersen, Audit
Erica Tzer Hui Teh

Erica Tzer Hui Teh


  • Master's Degree in Investment and Finance from the University of Westminster
  • EY, Accounting and Advisory
Philippines Philippines
Anna Rellama

Anna Rellama


  • Master’s of Science in Strategic Management, HEC Paris
  • LTC-CMC Consulting
Louise Reodica

Louise Reodica


  • MBA, National University of Singapore Business School
  • Energy Development Corporation, Strategic Planning Department
Myanmar Myanmar
Naithy Cyriac

Naithy Cyriac


  • MBA, NUS Business School
  • Moody’s Analytics, Investor Services and Strategic Research Division
Shin Thant Aung

Shin Thant Aung


  • B.Sc. in Applied Accounting, Oxford Brookes University
  • KPMG Advisory

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