YCP Solidiance’s expertise in construction helps companies enter, grow, and thrive in the Southeast Asian market through high-impact solutions and data-driven strategies developed for specific needs, demographics, and areas.

Southeast Asia’s construction market is expected to steadily bounce back in the post-pandemic era. The resumption of projects in the commercial and leisure sectors are helping improve
the industry’s overall health, but increased regional investment in large-scale public infrastructure—most notably on railways, expressways, and airports—will be instrumental in
building back construction value that aims to surpass pre-pandemic levels. This is most notable in Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand, which are being earmarked as
countries in SEA to have positive construction sector growth. The industry’s future success will be shaped by the region’s capacity to adapt to ever-changing and evolving infrastructure
needs, such as adopting sustainability guidelines and digital technology in construction materials, processes, and operations.
Companies who work with YCP Solidiance range from start-ups to large conglomerates and enterprises wanting advisory services in the areas of smart cities, sustainability, digitalization,
automation, and construction materials, among many sub-sectors within the construction industry.