Partner Expertise: Behind Reckitt's Multimarket Campaign for Tech-Savvy Moms

Our Head of Creatives and Partner, Eunice Maximo, walks us through the idea development process behind her team's campaign for Reckitt Benckiser.

2024 年 05 月 , by Eunice Maximo , Cristina Escaño

In today's rapidly evolving market, brands are increasingly challenged to truly understand and forge meaningful connections with their target audiences. As consumer preferences and behaviors continue to shift, the ability to not only capture but also maintain attention has become more complex and critical. 

 On the topic of forging strong brand connections, we spoke to Head of Creatives and YCP Interactive Solutions Division Partner, Eunice Maximo, who walked us through her campaign for Reckitt Benckiser Asia-Pacific's Super Brand Day on Shopee, happening throughout May and June of 2024.

Who is the client?  
The client is Reckitt Benckiser APAC E-commerce, covering six key markets across the region (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam). As one of the largest FMCGs (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) globally, Reckitt Benckiser houses a variety of brands such as Lysol, Vanish, Strepsils, Veet, and more. 

What are the client's specific requirements for the campaign? What is it about? 

The client needed assistance with a one-day Super Brand Day campaign to boost their visibility and attract their target market of tech-savvy moms. Our team faced the challenge of designing a campaign that not only showcased the diverse brands under Reckitt Benckiser, but also engaged customers in creative and exciting ways that would surpass traditional methods and go beyond the status quo.

We created the overarching campaign theme of “Mom-Approved Deals,” to highlight different Reckitt products and how they can benefit moms and their families.

How did the team work on executing the campaign? What was the creative process behind the execution?  
To appeal to our target market, we had to grasp the role of a tech-savvy mom and understand the considerable influence of her approval. We explored different strategies and methods to arrive at our theme of “Mom-Approved Deals,” such as:

Identifying a “truth:” The team began the campaign preparation by identifying a “truth” relevant to the client’s products, a shared experience that would appeal to tech-savvy moms. We discovered that these types of mothers have high standards and often have a discerning eye for convenient, high-quality products that give their families the top-notch care they deserve.

Employing Mind Mapping: Since the campaign would be launched in six different markets, the team practiced mind mapping per country to arrive at unique and relatable insights per market. The team developed the campaign theme "Mom-Approved Deals" based on the insight that many people seek their mothers' validation for their discerning taste and high standards, combined with their ability to find quality products without overspending. The mind mapping process involved analyzing online trends, while doing an online scan for other effective campaigns that we tweaked and adapted to better align with the ideas and communication of our brand and campaign more efficiently. 

Apart from the need to be “Mom-Approved,” the team produced different creative engagement strategies to effectively interact with shoppers and drive sales:  

What were the challenges you faced while developing the campaign? How did you address them?
One of the more challenging aspects of the campaign was the need to maintain consistency in the overall messaging, while adapting the unique characteristics of each market. To overcome this, we developed a flexible framework that allowed the messaging to be localized, ensuring coherence with the overall campaign idea.

What are the major insights gained from this campaign? 
From the campaign ideation to execution, there are three key takeaways that I’d like to share, each offering valuable lessons for future campaigns and creative initiatives.

Leveraging trends: Understanding and adapting trends is crucial. More than identifying relevant trends, brands must consider how to creatively integrate these trends in such a way that aligns with the brand’s identity, strengthens the campaign’s appeal, and connects with the target audience. 

Complying with brand mandatories: Each country has their own set of brand mandatories. It’s necessary to have a meticulous monitoring process to ensure that all requirements are met without compromising the integrity of the campaign.

Localizing marketing material: When developing campaign materials for different markets, it is important to ensure that all materials can resonate on a local level. Beyond translating content, this entails finding relevant local trends and insights and integrating it into the campaign.

Eunice is a seasoned, award-winning creative dynamo with a 12-year track record as a creative leader. Her successful collaborations with global agencies on major brands in APAC, such as Reckitt, P&G, Samsung, Unilever, Heineken, and Nestle, have been instrumental. Prior to joining YCP, her contributions have played a pivotal role in steering the APAC expansion and achieving a remarkable 2x business growth for Nexlabs, a boutique agency. Her extensive industry experience also includes working with global agencies, such as Publicis One and the Grey Global Group. Eunice was ranked top 17 Creative in the Philippines by Campaign Asia 2023, and has won several awards with Mad Stars, New York Festivals, Spikes Asia. Her work has also been featured in Cannes Lions.      

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