Dhendy Rizki Fadhillah

Dhendy Rizki Fadhillah


Dhendy has extensive experience across multiple industries, including energy, manufacturing, food, transportation, and telecommunications. He specializes in Corporate Strategy, Transformation, System & Operational Excellence, and Change Management. Before joining YCP Solidiance, Dhendy led projects at several major consulting firms, focusing on organizational transformation and business management. His proven track record in End-to-End Enterprise Transformation Programs is widely recognized by clients.


  • Certified Digital Transformation (CDTP)
  • Certified Project Director (CPD) 
  • Lean SixSigma Master Black Belt (LSS-MBB) 
  • Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP)  
  • Certified Professional in Supply Chain Mgmt. (CPSM)
  • Master of Management, Universitas Trisakti
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Control System), Universitas Trisakti

Industry experience

Energy, Mining, Manufacturing, Technology, Mobility, Automotive

Relevant country experience

Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, South Africa, Madagascar.
